The Alchemy of Time

The Alchemy of Time (2016)

ISBN 978-0-9700722-1-4 (Paperback) and 978-00722-4-5 (E-book)
Genre: Fiction/Magical Realism
Size: 5.5 x 8.5 x 0.7 inches (268 pages)
Cover Price: $16.95.  E-book Versions: $4.99

How is it possible to prevail against such a juggernaut that cannot be defeated? How can you surmount the relentless assaults of the passing of time when your only certitude is that old age and death await patiently at the end of the journey?

The Alchemy of Time is a magical realism fable that intertwines multiple aspects of the extraordinary possibilities of the human experience in the last chapters of an individual’s personal history.

Click on the book cover below to read a sample chapter. 


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